About the blog

I have been collecting Lego sets for many years and I have developed a strong passion for it. I love to pay attention to the little details in sets and I love even more to find great things about sets which seem small and basic. This blog will become host to many reviews for a wide variety of Lego sets, ranging from old themes such as Power Miners to new themes such as Nexo Knights. The reviews will not be biased and will aim to help a variety of Lego lovers such as those who are new buyers and those who collect and display.

Friday 8 September 2017

Lego Masters: Episode 3 - Nature

Episode 3 of Lego Masters has now aired, it was based around nature, and I cannot wait for the finale! As usual, there are bits I liked and unfortunately bits I wasn't so fond on, but nothing is perfect. I was very pleased with how many consistencies this episode held with the last, for example, both episodes included an initial 'warm up' task that included twists. I found this episode to be much funnier than the previous two and once again, the final builds were astounding. If you wish to read my in depth review, potentially containing spoilers, please continue reading.

I found the re-cap of the last episode which was used at the start of this episode very useful. Even though I knew what happened, I still appreciated a quick summary of who went out, the models built, and who was still in the competition. I was not, however, fond of how many bits were reshown throughout the programme and I am not on about them showing repeats from last week or the week before. A perfect example of them re-using bits is how often you saw the contestant Jessica break a mushroom. This clip is shown three times and the first two were very close together which makes the programme seem repetitive and when it becomes too repetitive, it enters boring territory.

I liked that the contestants shared their thoughts on how it could go for them this week and I was glad to see that the episode kept the 'warm up' build from the last episode. I like the 'warm up' builds because they keep the episode interesting and Melvin Odoom, the presenter, is very funny when he decides to announce a twist. He was especially funny this week when announcing what they should build next as his decision seemed spontaneous and bizarre, just what Lego should be.

Unfortunately, I was still left with the question of how they find anything in the build room, but I suppose they might have been told roughly where things were.

I am glad that close up shots of the builds are still being used frequently and I am glad to see Guy and Abraham ask for help. Due to how young they are, this is expected and I have been surprised that this hasn't been shown in previous episodes. Their plan for the final build was also how I would have expected as it was mainly coloured drawings with a couple of measurements in studs.

I found that there were some very funny moments in the programme. Funny moments included Melvin saying 'I can see you Nate and Steve' when telling everyone to put their bricks down, Jessica and Faolan discussing that they naturally suck, and Matthew Ashton saying 'we don't want to be scaring off the locals'. I also found it funny how Nicholas and Kobar seem to be obsessed with building giant orange things in a short space of time. For these reasons, I would say that this has been the funniest episode of Lego Masters to date.

I am very surprised with how much I learnt during this episode! I enjoyed hearing Steve explain how the mechanics of the turtle shell worked, and I am especially glad that S.N.O.T (Studs Not On Top) and M.O.Cs (My Own Creations) was explained as I have never known what they meant until seeing the episode. I also really love it when the programme explains the values of Lego. In the first episode, the programme made the point of Lego being loved by all ages, in the second it made the point that it helps with anxiety and helps you cope with things, and this week it has made the point of family and how it can be used to bond (which it touched on last week).

I think that Matthew's talks with Melvin are done well with not tons of detail being used but without them being brushed over. They give the viewer all of the information they need in a short, fun, amount of time.

I found it very good that when Bill Bailey was introduced, he said what he was looking for as this made it seem like he contributed much more than past guest judges such as Richard Osman, and I also found it good that Sean Kenney was on the programme as he is very experienced and very good at building Lego animals. I liked his explanations of how building animals was challenging because, to me, they don't seem to be when you see them.

The last minute of building was perfectly done as showing one of the contestants running, plus the dramatic music, combined with things breaking, all created the suspense and tension needed for a bit like that.

I found the feedback to be very good this episode, at times I thought it harsh, however it was constructive. I found Nate and Steve's build to be remarkable! I would say that their final build this episode has to be the best of the series so far, a reason for this is that I also thought that there was a real pencil in the turtles mouth until they pointed out that it wasn't. I liked how philosophical the Cambridge student's build was.

I found it very surprised that the last kid pair was voted out and as a result, I think that this episode's vote off could be the most emotional for the whole series. The music and the comments, plus the tears, all made it very sad to watch, however, when there is a group hug at the end, a real sense of family is put forwards which is really sweet.

I am really looking forward to the finale next week which may star comedian Dara O' Briain, however he was not shown in the trailer for next weeks episode... Perhaps he is to be a not-so-secret secret guest judge? Well, if he is in it or not, I am looking forward to see the episode! Lego Masters will air on Thursday at 8:00PM on Channel Four.

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