About the blog

I have been collecting Lego sets for many years and I have developed a strong passion for it. I love to pay attention to the little details in sets and I love even more to find great things about sets which seem small and basic. This blog will become host to many reviews for a wide variety of Lego sets, ranging from old themes such as Power Miners to new themes such as Nexo Knights. The reviews will not be biased and will aim to help a variety of Lego lovers such as those who are new buyers and those who collect and display.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Revival Project Digital: Post 1

A while ago, I released a Revival Project update post which announced that as well as continuing the project in reality, I would also be creating as much of the project as possible on Lego Digital Designer. I said that through doing this, I can let you see my plans for the project before I am able to fulfil them in reality. I am glad to say that one section of the project is pretty much complete set-wise. As you can see in the above image, I have completed the fire temple and just behind it, I have built the 'Samurai X Cave Chaos' set. The white walls at the sides are eventually going to look like the drawers I have on either side of these sets. Anything that you notice is missing, such as the dragon or any vehicles, will hopefully be included 'in action' later in the project. I have had to re-design a couple of features in these sets as the software would not let me include them. These features are barely noticeable, the most noticeable will be the centre piece in the giant skull. As this piece wasn't included, I had to include a couple of extra pieces which looked similar to the missing one. The other difference is that the software would not let me place the sliding bases which the main temple build sits on so I replaced these with various arches underneath and added lots of baseplates on top. I will be redesigning the two small builds which lie either side of the fire temple because it is crucial that they are not horizontal as they are now. It looks best if they are diagonal but I want to include as much base plate as possible so I will possibly try and curve each side if I can.

This is a sky view of the sets. I apologise for one half of the centre cave bit being slightly further away for the other half, I found it very tricky to add the halves and I tried to make them as equal as possible. I will add minifigures to the project once I have built more of the project, this way it will look better and as though everything is linked together. The drawers on either side will have more detail than they currently have, I will be working on them next.

This is a diagonal view from behind the fire temple and looking towards the left of the cave towards the skull. In reality, the skull would be sloped further down but because of my re-design, it will not allow me to tilt the skull any further. Also, there is usually a small red motorbike in this section but I haven't been able to include it because the software will not let me place things such as tires on studs.

This is a diagonal view from behind the fire temple and looking towards the right of the cave towards where a mechanical suit (mech) is usually stored. I have been amazed with the amount of detail I have been able to place into what I have built so far. As you can see, I have managed to include the two overlapping swords above the fire temple door and even the scorpion which is on the roof of the cave. I haven't included the mech in this area of the digital project because I can imagine that it would be very tricky to include it in such a small space, plus the pieces are not at all co-operative when placing them on a diagonal base plate.

This is a view from behind the cave and fire temple. I am going to add a back wall behind these sets to fully create the project and to give you the best prediction possible for how it should all turn out in reality. As you can see,, I have tried to include everything possible from these sets as to the left of the image, on the back wall of the cave you can see an item on there which can be placed onto the mech. I have even been able to slant the roof of the fire temple which is something I wasn't expecting I could do.

This is a view of the area from afar. To the left will eventually be a forest and to the right will be the main city area and further ahead of the temple will be the fun fair. I will be putting as much detail into the water as possible and I will be creating either a stepping stone feature from the temple or have a variety of bridges leading across the river. I will also be placing walls just behind the temple on either side to add more of an environment to the area and to cut off the cave from the rest of the city. To the left where the skull is, I will be trying to include a hidden door for the motorbike and for the ninja to go through  and to the right will just be a normal cliff face style wall. If you have any thoughts on what I should include or how I should redesign the side bits or build the walls, please let me know in the comments below. I hope you have enjoyed this post and my other posts so far, I am still working on my next set review, I will hopefully have finished it before the end of the month. If you want me to do a specific post next then please let me know.

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